Date of discovery: February 23, 2015
Location of discovery: Mercogliano, Italy
Italy live cam:
http://www.eurowebcamsite.com/en/home/webcam-mercogliano-av.htmlAs I was looking through live cams I came across this one in Italy. A pillar-like UFO has been hovering there nightly. I like to focus on Italy because of the
Friendship Case. I have been watching this UFO for several years and believe it to be parked and cloaked. The cloak is visible due to the infrared lights connected to the live cam. To the human eye, this UFO is invisible. Today its less focused, but I have seen it with a fine metal skin before on this cam.
Skeptics will say its a reflection due to the security lights below. I say its not. If it were, then it would not exist in the early morning when the sun begins to rise, but it is...for a little while and then disappears. If its there when the lights are off, then that is proof the lights are not the cause.
Clearly a local Italian in the area has parked his cloaked ship above his home assuming no human would be intelligent enough to know its there. They were mistaken. SCW
Judul : UFO Over Mercogliano, Italy Proof Of Friendship Case, Feb 23, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Deskripsi : Date of discovery: February 23, 2015 Location of discovery: Mercogliano, Italy Italy live cam: http://www.eurowebcamsite.com/en/home/webcam-...